Are you a Highly Sensitive Person / Empath? 
Ready to become 
who you are?

Welcome to Flame Alive where resilience awakens!

If you are a hypersensitive, an empath, a professional caretaker, a caregiver, or are a person devoted to others, Flame Alive is your refuge to set free from confining patterns.

I am Aude, 41 years old, a passionate explorer of the human psyche, dedicated to healing. Through a quest of more than 23 years (personal and academic) I have gathered concrete tools and solutions to enable high sensitive potentials (HSP) and great empaths to:

  • See their real potential
  • Free from their obstacles
  • Flourish in their authenticity
  • Bring their precious talents to the world
As a counselor, trainer and anthropologist, I offer you a unique and powerful approach; using tools such as Brainspotting, NLP and Hypnosis, I guide you in releasing blockages, desensitizing traumas, and exploring innovative methods that allow your brain to build new neuro pathways, and access new perceptions, choices and potentials.

My background in anthropology allowed me to conduct research on healing in traditional indigenous contexts in Asia. This intercultural perspective allows me to facilitate the reframing of limiting beliefs and contribute to the empowerment of my clients. My holistic approach also responds to a strong current demand for integrated and comprehensive solution-oriented care.

Join me on this journey toward healing and fulfilment, where every encounter with your inner world also gives you access to a ressource.

Let's start

The man who stands back up is even stronger than the one who hasn't fallen. 

                                  Viktor Frankl

  • "Flame Alive" relates to the flame or "sparkle" of life, which sometimes fades away, drifts into sleep and needs to be revived again as we navigate life and grow through challenges. The symbol of the phoenix is the resilient part in each of us which in contact to its own ashes finds the resources to take flight again and starts a new cycle of life.
  • I facilitate each session by adapting to your needs in a concrete solution-oriented mindset, as well as in a transpersonal perspective; aiming at understanding the human being in relation to himself and to the universe that surrounds him.
  • To help you achieve your goals, my main tools are: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Brainspotting (BSP), Voice Dialogue, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Interactional Coaching, and Spiritual Regression Hypnosis (SRH).
  • Counselor, adult trainer and anthropologist, my approach is based on scientific data (neurosciences, psychology, anthropology), which I put at your service for a better understanding of your situation, in a humanistic approach.